Our therapists are experienced and specially trained to treat a wide variety of orthopedic injuries.
We offer comprehensive care of many surgical and non-surgical conditions including:

Back, neck, and spine pain or injury:
- Lumbago
- Disc injury (bulge, prolapse, herniation, rupture)
- Lumbar sprains and strains
- Mechanical low back pain
- Postural problems including kyphosis and scoliosis
- Sciatica (sciatic nerve pain)
- Cervicalgia
- Neck sprains, strains, and “whiplash” injuries
- Thoracic pain

Pelvic and Hip problems:
- Piriformis syndrome
- Osteoarthritis of the hip
- Trochanteric bursitis
- Iliotibial Band (IT Band) Syndrome
- Sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction

Knee pain and injury:
- Patella Femoral Syndrome (PFS)
- Chondromalacia patella
- Ligament injuries including Anterior Cruciate (ACL), Medial Collateral
- (MCL), and Lateral Collateral (LCL) sprains and strains.
- Hamstring sprains
- Pes ancerine bursitis
- Patellar tendonitis
- Osteoarthritis of the knee
- Meniscus injuries

Shoulder and Upper extremity injuries:
- Rotator cuff injuries including strains, tears, and tendonitis
- Biceps tendonitis
- Shoulder bursitis
- AC joint sprains
- Scapular dysfunction
- Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
- Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
- Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis)
- Ulnar nerve pain
- Wrist sprains and strains
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Repetitive use injuries
- Brachial plexus injuries

Joint Injuries of the foot and ankle:
- Foot and ankle fractures
- Toe and metatarsal fractures
- Ankle sprains
- Achilles tendonitis
- Neuromas
- Sports injuries
- Work related injuries

Heel and Arch problems:
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Heel spurs
- Arch pain

Reconstructive foot and ankle surgery:
- Correction of bony deformities
- Bunion correction
- Hammer toe correction
- Arthroscopy of the foot and ankle
- Bone spurs